Transforming the Restaurant Industry: Takeaways From Top Restaurant Consultants in India


The restaurant industry in India is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, driven by innovation, passion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Amidst the diverse challenges faced by restaurateurs, a group of remarkable consultants has emerged, bringing their expertise, creativity, and industry insights to help shape the success stories of countless establishments.

In this exclusive interview, we have gathered insights from some of India’s most amazing restaurant consultants, who have played pivotal roles in transforming the industry. From embracing technology to navigating staffing challenges and offering unique concepts, these consultants have left an indelible mark on the culinary landscape.

Technology: Unveiling the Hidden Potential

“Technology serves as the backbone of the restaurant industry, driving its success. Failure to embrace technology often leads to the downfall of brands. Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs underestimate its significance, assuming that as long as sales are happening and the business seems visually appealing, they can overlook this aspect. However, without proper tracking and analysis of crucial data, such as food costs, the true financial picture remains hidden. It is alarming to discover that many restaurant owners are unable to provide an exact answer when asked about their food costs, highlighting the importance of implementing robust tracking systems from the start.” To know more about Yash and Nikita, visit


“I firmly believe that data analysis is crucial for achieving business success. In today’s technology-driven landscape, there is a wealth of apps and software available to collect and utilize data effectively. By harnessing this data, businesses can enhance their operations and elevate the overall customer experience. Tracking customer data, including visit frequency, ordering preferences, and feedback, provides valuable insights for delivering exceptional experiences. The availability of software-driven analytics enables businesses to analyze and leverage these parameters for continuous Suril-Udeshiimprovement.”

“In the fast-paced food industry, technology is proving to be a game-changer. For instance, at our restaurants, where menus comprise over 300 items, we’ve leveraged technology to streamline operations from the kitchen to the floor, reducing the need for large staffing and improving efficiency. More importantly, it has enhanced personalization and customer retention. Guests’ contact numbers and specific preferences are recorded, enabling personalized recommendations during future visits. This blend of technology with traditional dining is creating a seismic shift, significantly enhancing guest experiences and fostering loyalty, pushing the boundaries of the restaurant industry.”

Passion and Commitment: Ingredients for Success

Sid M“For those dreaming of entering the restaurant business, it’s vital to understand that the industry isn’t all glitz and glamour. While the prospect of enjoying delightful meals and cocktails may seem enticing, running a restaurant encompasses much more. It requires a careful balance of numerous roles – from overseeing the kitchen operations and staff management to ensuring a smooth supply chain. As a CEO, I often find myself wearing multiple hats. Therefore, it’s imperative to have a deep passion and commitment to this line of work. When we engage with prospective clients, we assess their level of dedication because mere financial investment without sincere passion won’t cut it. The restaurant industry, although extremely rewarding, has its fair share of challenges. The more time, effort, and dedication you put into it, the higher the likelihood of your success”

Overcoming Hurdles: The Journey of Adaptation

“Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey means evolving and adapting. It’s about creating meaningful connections and enhancing lifestyles. Challenges include understanding customer desires, sourcing quality ingredients, and unifying diverse perspectives. Despite obstacles, the journey is rewarding and filled with innovation and positive impact. Embrace change, navigate challenges, and find joy in the process.”


“The restaurant industry poses unique challenges, especially due to its relatively low entry barriers. Many individuals without relevant experience or passion for the industry venture into opening restaurants for the wrong reasons. Convincing them of the importance of passion becomes a significant hurdle. Staffing is another major challenge, with a scarcity of skilled professionals in the hospitality sector. Training becomes crucial, but there is often a lack of proficiency in using software systems for inventory management. The issue lies in finding the right people who are genuinely interested in the culinary field. Staff challenges exist in both Mumbai and Goa, with the added complexity of migration to cities like Mumbai and a limited pool of skilled talent. The mindset of aspiring chefs often shifts towards other industries after a brief stint in the demanding hospitality field. This leads to a reliance on less educated staff, resulting in a longer learning curve and higher attrition rates.”

Ambili-and-Prashanth “Every job has its challenges, and in our experience, we’ve encountered multiple hurdles in achieving the right mix. Educating clients and getting them to understand our recommendations can be a challenge, as not everyone is open to change. Additionally, finding reliable vendors who meet our standards is crucial to avoid disappointment. Striking the right balance between cost and quality is essential for successful outcomes.”


Strategies for Success: Technology and Talent

“To restaurant owners or operators looking to enhance their business performance, I recommend employing strategic approaches and leveraging technology to drive improvements. Understanding data and revenue trends can unveil valuable insights, allowing for targeted adjustments that can boost sales and minimize wastage. In the case of a new project, it is crucial to hire top talent who can deliver exceptional results. By implementing these strategies, restaurant owners can optimize their operations and elevate their overall performance.”  To know more about Chef Amit, visit

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Prachi is the Marketing Manager at Restroworks. In her current capacity, she establishes connections with key stakeholders in the F&B industry and serves as the host of The Restaurant Times talk show, "F&B Talks," tailored for the restaurant sector. With hands-on experience in international sales and marketing, Prachi has led initiatives in the LATAM and USA regions, contributing to the platform's global outreach.


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